Evolve Migrations Helper

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A simple tool to help you to versionate Evolve migrations.

If you think that Evolve is an amazing tool, you will like to use this helper. :blush:



Extract the evolve-migrations-helper_win-x64.zip file in your Evolve project’s root path and run the follow command to create a dataset migration:

migrations add-dataset MyDatasetMigration

Or run the follow command to create a scheme migration:

migrations add-migration MySchemeMigration

Or run the help command to see all the options:

migrations --help
Usage: migrations [command] [options]

    add-dataset          Add a new migration file (on path: "./datasets")
    add-migration        Add a new migration file (on path: "./migrations")

    -s|--separator       The file name seperator. Default is '__' (Double underscore). Eg: 'v20200530193319__MyMigration.sql'


Extract the evolve-migrations-helper_linux-x64.zip file in your Evolve project’s root path and run the follow command:

chmod +x migrations

And then run the follow command to create a dataset migration:

./migrations add-dataset MyDatasetMigration

Or run the follow command to create a scheme migration:

./migrations add-migration MySchemeMigration

Or run the help command to see all the options:

./migrations --help
Usage: migrations [command] [options]

    add-dataset          Add a new migration file (on path: "./datasets")
    add-migration        Add a new migration file (on path: "./migrations")

    -s|--separator       The file name seperator. Default is '__' (Double underscore). Eg: 'v20200530193319__MyMigration.sql'


The created file will be configured as embedded resource in your csproj file.

If you don’t like that behavior, be welcome to contribute with this project! :heart:


The latest version can be found here.